
Who is Entitled to Receive Support?

Customers who have a valid Support and Maintenance Agreement, and who have paid the relevant fees, are entitled to receive support in terms of this document. Please note that it is JAYBEE’s policy not to provide licenses to use any of its systems without a valid Support and Maintenance Agreements.

Users should contact us only after being in touch with the local ISM and SmartButler® champion to ensure that the problem is not one which concerns infrastructure at the hotel.

Support Days and Times:

Support is offered from Sunday to Thursday, from 9:00 to 17:00. Please note that all times given are GMT+2
during the Northern Hemisphere Winter, and GMT+3 during the Northern Hemisphere Summer.
In addition, support will not be available on national holidays.

Support Procedure

  1. JAYBEE provides the option of customers taking advantage of a standard support package on a passive basis, and an enhanced support package involving proactive support on the part of the JAYBEE support team.
  2. In order to qualify for the enhanced proactive support, the customer hotel will need to provide certain minimum infrastructure that will allow JAYBEE support agents to gain constant remote access the hotel’s SmartButler® server machine without the necessity to call upon the help of hotel staff. The infrastructure requirements needed to satisfy this can be provided upon request.
  3. Those hotels that are unable or unwilling to provide this infrastructure will automatically qualify for basic passive support package.
Enhanced Proactive Support Package
  1. Those hotels that make available the infrastructure required for this support package, will automatically qualify to receive it.
  2. Proactive support is provided by JAYBEE support agents, who will periodically log into the hotel system to assess the technical health of the system. Any matters that need to be attended to in order to increase the stability of the system or make small improvements, will be attended to immediately.
  3. Any minor technical challenges that may affect the system (and in many cases is not evident to the users), will be automatically reported to the JAYBEE support team. This will enable JAYBEE support agents to determine what work, if any, is required to stabilize the operation of the system.
  4. Any difficulties experienced by users, or support that may be required by users for the operation of SmartButler®, should be reported to the JAYBEE support team as set out below.
Basic Passive Support Package
  1. It will not be possible for JAYBEE support agents to get information regarding the technical health of the system, nor to respond to automatic alerts arising from any technical challenges that the system experiences.
  2. Any difficulties experienced by users, or support that may be required by users for the operation of SmartButler®, should be reported to the JAYBEE support team as set out below.
Support Procedure – Category 1 (SOS Calls):

Where SmartButler® is not working on ALL workstations, whereas other applications are running as usual.

  1. JAYBEE Support Agent will attempt to determine the nature of the problem by discussing the issue with the caller who must be the ISM of the site. Please note that it will not be possible to provide support if the caller is not the Information Systems Manager (ISM) or an individual highly familiar and authorized to handle network system operation.
  2. It will usually be necessary for the JAYBEE Support Agent to connect remotely to the system via remote desktop or VNC over IPSEC connection, or open a rule on the site’s firewall to enable remote connection.
  3. Once the ISM has contacted JAYBEE, the Support Agent will attempt to remotely connect the system. The ISM should remain on the call with the Support Agent as long as the remote connection session is held.

In the event that contact is required to third party providers of systems interfaced to, or working with the application, the ISM should facilitate and arrange this contact.

Additional points for Category 1:
  • Call should be made by phone to JAYBEE’s office during the official working hours.
  • Call should be made no later than 30 minutes after the system has ceased to operate.
  • First response from JAYBEE will be no later than one hour from the received phone call.
  • In case the support session reaches eve of a published holiday or Friday, the support shall continue in the morning of the following business day or any other date coordinated mutually by JAYBEE and ISM.
  • ISM should be available and reachable on site during the whole support session until the problem has been resolved.
  • In case the ISM or any third party required to be involved are not accessible within 30 minutes, the priority of the call is lowered to Category 2.
  • In case one of the above conditions is disregarded, a special support fee may apply.
Support Procedure – Category 2 (Operational Problems):

Where SmartButler® is operating partially but is fully functioning on at least one workstation.

  1. JAYBEE Support Agent will attempt to determine the nature of the problem by discussing the issue with the caller who must be the ISM of the site or champion. Please note that it will not be possible to provide support if the caller is not the Information Systems Manager (ISM) or champion.
  2. It will usually be necessary for the JAYBEE Support Agent to connect remotely to the system via remote desktop or VNC over IPSEC connection, or open a rule on the site’s firewall for remote access.
  3. In the event that contact is required to third party providers of systems interfaced to, or working with the application, the ISM or Champion should facilitate and arrange this contact.
Additional points for Category 2:
  • Call should be made by phone to JAYBEE’s office during the official working hours.
  • Call should be made no later than 60 minutes after problem was encountered.
  • First response from JAYBEE will be no later than 2 working hours from the time of the received phone call.
  • JAYBEE is committed to stay in touch during the formal working days & hours, until the problem’s root has been identified and resolved.
  • ISM or Champion should be available and reachable on site during the whole support session until problem has been resolved.
  • In case the support session reaches the end of a working day, the support shall continue in the morning of the following business working day or any other date coordinated mutually by JAYBEE and ISM.
  • In case the ISM, Champion or any third party required to be involved are not accessible within 60 minutes, the priority of the call is lowered to Category 3.
  • In case one of the above conditions is disregarded, a special support fee may apply.
Support Procedure – Category 3 (General Enquires and/or Bug Reporting):

Where the problem experienced has minimal or no impact on SmartButler’s® main operation. This usually pertains to general questions, or matters relating to updating the system to the latest version.

  1. JAYBEE Support Agent will attempt to determine the nature of the problem by discussing the issue with the caller who must be the ISM of the site or champion. Please note that it will not be possible to provide support if the caller is not the Information Systems Manager (ISM) or champion.
  2. It will sometimes be necessary for the JAYBEE Support Agent to connect remotely to the system via remote desktop or VNC over IPSEC connection, or rule opened on site’s firewall for remote access.
  3. In the event that contact is required to third party providers of systems interfaced to, or working with the application, the ISM or Champion should facilitate and arrange this contact.
Additional points for Category 3:
  • Approach could be made by phone or e-mail via the champion or ISM.
  • First response by JAYBEE will be within one full business day via e-mail or call back.
  • ISM should be responsive within one full business day in order to provide JAYBEE more details or to initiate a remote session. 
In case software malfunction has been found, JAYBEE will mark the resolution as a high priority to be released in the next formal update launching.


It is usual for JAYBEE to release two upgrade versions annually. These versions contain many new features and bug fixes. The following information will provide guidelines to JAYBEE’s upgrade process and policies. The upgrade version is available to all JAYBEE customers who have a valid Support and Maintenance Agreement, and who have paid the relevant fees.

It is required that JAYBEE’s support team be involved in the upgrade process however upgrading does not require the presence of a JAYBEE representative at the site. All stages of the upgrade process can be done remotely by connecting JAYBEE’s support team to the site’s computers via pcAnywhere. JAYBEE requires the site’s ISM to take part in the upgrade process and to be available during all stages.

JAYBEE estimates that the upgrade process may last for about an hour during which it will not be possible to use the system for any purpose. Please notify all users ahead of time that the system will not be available during the date and time of upgrading, and allow them to prepare alternative manual systems whilst the computerized system is not available.

JAYBEE has allocated special times for system upgrades. The upgrade process should be initiated on Sunday to Wednesday. The upgrade process should begin between 9:00 AM and 14:00 PM. It is not possible to begin upgrading on any other day of the week.

Development Policy

JAYBEE’s policy regarding customer-requested developments is as follows:

In the event that a customer requests a specific development, JAYBEE will evaluate it to determine whether the development requested is consistent with the objectives of the system, and whether it could be useful to other existing or potential customers. In addition, JAYBEE will also evaluate the amount of resources required for the development to determine the desirability of the requested development as well as its priority status. If it is accepted for addition to the development schedule, the development request will be prioritised together with the other developments, and will be delivered to the customer (and other customers) as soon as possible according to the development schedule.

Please note that the Intellectual Property always remains that of JAYBEE under all circumstances.

Technical Specifications

Workstation Minimum Specifications:

All workstations earmarked to run the system should have the following minimum specifications:

  • Intel® Core™ i3 CPU.
  • 2 GB RAM.
  • 20 GB Hard disk free space.
  • Windows 7 Pro Operating System.

Dedicated SmartButler® Server Minimum Specifications:

  • A Dedicated Server PC Intel Xeon CPU 2 GHz.
  • 16 GB RAM.
  • 100 GB Hard disk capacity.
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Operating System – English Version.
  • Static IP address installed with UVNC server as service on start-up and RDP remote access enabled.
  • Always Internet connected.

Interface to PMS:

It is essential to co-ordinate with local representatives of PMS vendor prior to installation.

  1. Micros-Fidelio Opera:
    • IFC version 8.772 or higher
    • OPERA version or higher
    • Fidelio product number: SJB: IO-5009-279 , MSC I/F – (SBU_ADV) and SRJ: IO-5009-294 , MSC I/F – (SBU_RE), TCP/IP supported.
  2. OnQ:
    • SmartButler® has an approved interface to OnQ which is TCP/IP based and FIAS compatible.
  3. Protel:
    • SmartButler® has an approved interface to Protel which is TCP/IP based and FIAS compatible.

Interface to Mobile Devices and Apps:

  • Approved handsets: iOS based devices (ver 6.x or above), and Android based devices (running minimum – Android 3.x OS, 800MB internal RAM, 1 Ghz processor speed. Tested and approved brands are: Motorola, Sony, Samsung & LG).
  • Internet minimum speed should be not less than 2.5MB/s. Approximate traffic volume on each handset is estimated at 500MB per month.
  • Two possible messaging platforms are available to choose from:
    1. SmartMessaging Premium Service: The SmartMessaging Premium Service concept uses HTTP to allow handsets to communicate with the central SmartButler® Messaging Server without the need to establish any special platform or private network. This server communicates with the hotel’s local SmartButler® Server via a special rule created in the hotel’s firewall to pull and return information to the SmartButler® app on the handsets. Handsets can use either GPRS or Wi-Fi for this solution. This service is provided at an extremely attractive price by JAYBEE to SmartButler® users. Details are available upon request.
    2. SmartMessaging over APN: This uses a closed virtual private network to allow handsets to communicate with the hotel’s SmartButler® server. The VPN needs to be established by the local cellular carrier, and should provide a dedicated APN (Access Point Network) for the customer site. Each handset requires an associated data package of at least 500 MB per month. The cellular provider will charge for data packages on each handset, and for the package connected to the SmartButler® Server.

Antivirus Software:

It is required that a recognized anti-virus software be deployed to run on the network and on each workstation where the system is installed. This anti-virus software should be regularly updated to ensure that is running the most current protections distributed by the manufacturer.

Guest Room Telephone Line Re-directions – THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT:

It will be necessary to redirect calls from guest rooms to the Guest Service Centre for those departments whose calls will be routed via the GSC. A new special phone line should be dedicated for that purpose. Arrangements for the redirection of these calls should be made prior to the installation of the system, and the relevant engineer should be available at the time of the installation program to make the necessary changes to the PBX. This action should be planned in such a way that it will take no longer than 2-3 hours.

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